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Attention-Winning Video Checklist

What do Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, and TikTok have in common? These 6 creative best practices.


Use this simple checklist to ensure that your brand's video ads will capture and keep attention in today's scrollable, skippable world.


Get the checklist.  

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Free Tools

COVID-19 Brand Message Toolkit

Use this marketing team toolkit and corresponding blog post to guide your team through a virtual brainstorm to hone in on:


  • How your brand can be helpful right now

  • Wrapping your message in context to ensure empathy

  • Creating image/video assets with limited resources


Materials include a Crisis Fact Pack to tune-in to what consumers expect from brands during COVID-19 and critical questions to ask when considering adjustments to your product/service, messaging, creative execution, and media budget.


Get the toolkit.  

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